GOOD DAY EVERYBODY🌈 TODAY THE RAINY DAY☔☔ AND TODAY THE LAST DAY OF OUR PRACTICE IN THE FIRST SEMESTER. AND WE WENT TO THE TOQI ZARGARON. And today I want to the give informations about this place for you my dears. Now lets start. The Trading Dome Toqi Zargaron is the most extensive bazaar among the bazaars of Bukhara. It is locsated north of the other three famous dome of bazaars in the city , near the Poi Kalon complex. This majestic architectural masterpiece was built between 1569 and 1570 under the rule of Abdulla Khan II of the Shaibanid dynasty. The Trading Dome Toqi Zargaron in Bukhara became the first such bazaar in the city after Bukhara was awarded the honorary title of capital of the great state and became one of the important points on the Great Silk Road. The establishment of Bukhara as one of the most important administrative, commercial and craft cities of Central Asia contributed significantly to the prosperity of the dome bazaars.Toqi Zargaron has been included ...